Common Myths About Fertility

Undoubtedly, regular intercourse improves the likelihood of conception, especially during the woman’s ovulation period which usually occurs on Day 14 or 15 after the first day of her menstruation. Lack of intercourse will be considered a cause for a couple’s inability to conceive if it occurs less than once a week. Doctors often advise couples to have sex at least three times a week to ensure that they have covered the fertile/ovulation period to increase their chances of pregnancy.

Frequency of ejaculation has no direct correlation to fertility. Man’s fertility is usually determined from the contents of the fluid ejaculated, which may include semen with low sperm count, poor quality sperm, or in certain instances without any sperm, a condition also known as azoospermia. When a man already has a low sperm count, excessive masturbation MAY cause infertility due to a further reduction in the amount of sperm available. Masturbation, however, will not affect a man’s fertility when he has normal sperm count, as millions of sperm are produced daily from the testes and stored in the epididymis.

It is a normal occurrence and does not affect fertility and conception if there are sufficient healthy sperm that travel to the fallopian tubes and attaches to the egg within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.

Egg and sperm quality decrease with time and as the couple age. Other factors such as stress, lifestyle, and weight gain can also affect a couple’s fertility. This is known as secondary infertility, where a couple faces difficulty conceiving after a prior pregnancy.

Research shows that certain lubricants can kill up to 60% of sperm. If you use lubricants, check with your doctor which lubricants are sperm-friendly.

Fertility problems can be caused by the male partner, female partner, both partners, or unknown reasons.

Whilst infertility increases with age due to the increase in problems such as aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities), infertility can occur in younger couples too. Problems like fallopian tube blockage or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are common conditions that can affect women at any age.

Fertility problems can have various causes and heredity is just one of them. It is advisable to seek medical advice and get a fertility screening to determine the problem instead of assuming it is a heredity problem.

Stress is not a direct cause of infertility, but it can cause other problems that result in infertility such as hormonal problems and abnormal sperm count. Although stress relief techniques will help your overall health, not just increase chances of fertility, it helps to get a proper diagnosis through the necessary medical screenings instead of seeking help from a psychologist if you have trouble conceiving.

Fertility Treatments – FAQ

Does infertility mean I can never have children?

Sterility is different from infertility. Infertility, or more precisely subfertility, occurs when a pair cannot conceive a child after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. It doesn’t mean you won’t get pregnant. Medical examinations indicate that a person with sterility lacks a uterus, ovaries, eggs, or sperm.

Is infertility common?

Malaysia has approximately one in eight infertile couples or 10-15% across the nation.

Does infertility affect “only women”?

Infertility affects nearly equal numbers of men and women. The female partner accounts for about one-third of infertility, the male partner for one-third, and the combination of problems in both partners causes roughly one-third of infertility.

Before seeing a doctor, how long should we try to conceive?

We recommend consulting a fertility specialist if a woman under 35 has been trying to conceive for more than one year. Whenever a woman over 35 has been trying to conceive for more than six months, we recommend she consult with a fertility specialist.

Is age a factor in a woman’s ability to conceive?

Definitely. When it comes to fertility, age plays a crucial role. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever need. They lose quality and quantity as they age throughout their lives. At the moment, no technique can stop that process. In their 30s, women have a 20% chance of conceiving each month, while at age 40, it decreases to about 5%.

Is a man’s fertility affected by his age?

Men’s sperm quality declines after about 40 years of age, but men’s fertility declines much slower than women’s.

What are the primary treatment methods for infertility?

A fertility specialist will evaluate each couple and develop a personalised treatment plan. The most common treatments include intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

After the treatment, when will I be able to confirm my pregnancy?

To confirm pregnancy, we will perform a bHCG blood test two weeks after the embryo transfer. This can be a more relaxing alternative to daily home pregnancy test kits.

Should I bring my partner to my consultation?

Yes, that would be ideal because infertility could be due to either one person, or both.